Output nodes
This section of the documentation is a list of all the nodes that have been implemented in Quantum Nodes.
We recommend you try and practice all these nodes in Blender to really see what they can create as the content of this list can be difficult to visualize.
Quantum Circuit Get Count
Input: Quantum Circuit
Output: Counts
Usage: Applies the following code :
return execute(quantum_circuit,Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')).result().get_counts()
Init Quantum Register
Input 1: Quantum circuit, index of the qubit to measure, index of the qubit from which to measure on
Input 2: Quantum Circuit
Usage: Measures the chosen qubit OR all qubits.
Quantum Circuit Output State
Input 1: Quantum Circuit
Usage: Returns the state of the circuit.
Quantum Circuit IBM Output
Input 1: Quantum Circuit
Usage: Send the quantum circuit to be computed by IBM quantum computers instead of the Blender simulation.