- quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.demo_node_tree_utils.generateCircuit(context, demo_id, circuit_id)
- quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.demo_node_tree_utils.generateMainNodeTree(context, main_tree_id, obj)
- quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.demo_node_tree_utils.generateMaxValue(context, demo_id)
- quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.demo_node_tree_utils.generateMeshData(context, demo_id)
- quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.demo_node_tree_utils.generateMultiplyAll(context, demo_id)
- quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.demo_node_tree_utils.generateNegative(context, demo_id)
- class quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.gate.Gate(t, n, i, loc, inp=None, out=None)
Represent a gate node in a quantum circuit.
- class quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.gate_nodes_manager.GateNodesManager
Manage gates in a quantum circuit built with nodes.
- classmethod addGate(new_gate, circuit_tree, q_index)
Add a new gate in the given circuit node tree.
- classmethod getExistingGate(circuit_tree, gate_type, q_index, qubit_data)
Return the gate if it already exists.
- classmethod qubitIndexInGate(q_index, node)
Return True if the q_index is a value of one of the sockets.
- classmethod removeGate(gate_node, circuit_tree)
Remove the given gate node. Create a new link between the input and output of the deleted node.
- classmethod removeLink(inp, out, node_tree)
Remove the link between the given input and output.
- class quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.gates_factory.GatesFactory(start_left, spacing, demo_id)
Generate new gates.
- createGate(gate_name, gate_type, gate_index, circuit_tree)
Store all the useful information to add a new node to the circuit node tree.
Also moves the output nodes to the right if more space is needed.
- getExistingGates(circuit_tree)
Return all the existing gate nodes in the circuit.
- class quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.node_tree_manager.NodeTreeManager
Manage a node tree generated from this add-on.
- generateNodeTree(obj)
Generate the demo node trees.
- classmethod getModification(last_circuits, new_circuits)
Return the information about the modification done on the circuits.
Returns: action, gate_type, (circuit name, qubit index, gate index).
- removeAllTrees()
Remove all the demo node trees.
- resetAllGates()
Reset all the gate nodes in the node trees (for each circuit).
- update(new_circuits)
Update the circuit node trees.
- If "ADD" :
Searches for a potential existing gate to insert the new one. If not found, then creates a new node.
- If "DEL" :
Retrieves the node where the gate is and removes the socket. If the node isn't used anymore, deletes it.
- updateTarget(obj)
Update the target of the quantum circuits.
- class quantum_nodes.demo_addon.backend.quantum_nodes_demo_manager.QuantumNodesDEMOManager
Manage of the demo panel.
- getSelectedCircuit()
Return the circuit corresponding the selected axis in the UI. It returns a CircuitManager, not a list.
- initializeDemoNodeTree()
Build the demo node tree and links the target to the tree.
- removeAll()
- resetCircuits()
Reset circuits and the corresponding node trees.
- setNewCircuits(obj)
Set the new circuit. The size depends on the number of vertices of the target.
- setNewTarget(new_target)
Set the new target and resets everything (circuits in the UI + node trees).
- updateNodeTree()
Update the node tree so that it corresponds to the represented circuits in the UI.