


class quantum_nodes.algorithms.schrodinger_equation.simulation_cache.SimulationCache(max_frame: int)

Bases: object

Store all the computed frames and to determine the ones that need to be computed when the user is asking the data for a specific frame.

getFrame(frame: int, d: SimulationDataManager, inp: SimulationInputsManager)

Return the requested data at the given frame. Manages the situations where several frames need to be calculated in order to return the requested data.

  • e -- whenever something wrong happens during the frame computation

  • IndexError -- frame index out of range


requested data at the given frame

Return type


processFrame(d: SimulationDataManager, inp: SimulationInputsManager)

Compute the next frame.

This method is only an implementation of the plot_animation() function taken from the source code.



class quantum_nodes.algorithms.schrodinger_equation.simulation_data_manager.SimulationDataManager

Bases: object

Manage all the data needed to compute the next frame.

classmethod applyObstacle(MM, N, mesh_x, mesh_y, sim_inputs)
classmethod dxSquare(MM, N, step)
classmethod dySquare(MM, N, step)
classmethod getAdjPos(x, y, N)
classmethod integrate(MM, N, step)
classmethod xConcatenate(MM, N)
classmethod xDeconcatenate(vector, N)
classmethod yConcatenate(MM, N)
classmethod yDeconcatenate(vector, N)


class quantum_nodes.algorithms.schrodinger_equation.simulation_inputs_manager.SimulationInputsManager(dim: int, size: int, center: ndarray, n_o_w: ndarray, spr: ndarray, pot: str, obs: str, fr: int, d: float, dt: float)

Bases: object

Manage all the user inputs.

All these methods are taken from field.py. Source code: https://github.com/Azercoco/Python-2D-Simulation-of-Schrodinger-Equation/blob/master/field.py

getPotential(x, y)
hasChanged(dim: int, size: int, center: ndarray, n_o_w: ndarray, spr: ndarray, pot: str, obs: str, fr: int, d: float, dt: float)

Check if node inputs have changed.

  • dim (int) -- size of the 2d grid, which corresponds to dim**2 points

  • size (int) -- scale of the simulation

  • center (np.ndarray) -- starting position of the wave packet

  • n_o_w (np.ndarray) -- number of waves that composes the wave packet

  • spr (np.ndarray) -- spreading of the wave packet

  • pot (str) -- boolean expression of the potential (in function of x and y)

  • obs (str) -- boolean expression of the obstacle.s (in function of x and y)

  • fr (int) -- frame rate of the simulation

  • d (float) -- duration of the simulation

  • dt (float) -- simulation time spent for each second of animation


indicate if node inputs have changed

Return type


isObstacle(x, y)
setObstacle(expr: str)

Set the obstacle expression.


expr (str) -- boolean expression in function of x and y

setPotential(expr: str)

Set the potential expression.


expr (str) -- boolean expression in function of x and y

classmethod verifyObstacleExpr(expr)
classmethod verifyPotentialExpr(expr)


class quantum_nodes.algorithms.schrodinger_equation.simulation_manager.SimulationManager(dim: int, size: int, center: ndarray, n_o_w: ndarray, spr: ndarray, pot: str, obs: str, fr: int, d: float, dt: float)

Bases: object

Implementation of the 2D simulation of Schrödinger equation.

This code is just a new architecture to meet our needs (adapted for blender animation nodes).
All the simulation computation is from Azercoco.
getFrameData(frame: int)

Return data from the requested frame.


frame (int) -- the requested frame


e -- whenever something goes wrong during the computation of the frames


state of the simulation at the given frame (list of numpy.complex128)

Return type



Initialize the data needed for the simulation.

This method is only an implementation of the init function taken from the source code.
updateSimulation(dim: int, size: int, center: ndarray, n_o_w: ndarray, spr: ndarray, pot: str, obs: str, fr: int, d: float, dt: float)

Check if any of the user inputs have changed in order to update the parameters of the simulation.

  • dim (int) -- size of the 2d grid, which corresponds to dim**2 points

  • size (int) -- scale of the simulation

  • center (np.ndarray) -- starting position of the wave packet

  • n_o_w (np.ndarray) -- number of waves that composes the wave packet

  • spr (np.ndarray) -- spreading of the wave packet

  • pot (str) -- boolean expression of the potential (in function of x and y)

  • obs (str) -- boolean expression of the obstacle.s (in function of x and y)

  • fr (int) -- frame rate of the simulation

  • d (float) -- duration of the simulation

  • dt (float) -- simulation time spent for each second of animation):